The Earth Needs Your Help This Earth Day!

April 20th, 2007 by Hilary

Anyone with children has had the experience of waking in the middle of the night to a very sick child. I can remember one particular night, waking up to my child’s cries and feeling the intense heat radiating from his forehead. A tiny little body helplessly overheating. No thermometer was necessary – I knew by the temperature and his fast breathing that his body was waging a war against infection.

The Earth, like a small baby, is also helplessly overheating. We do not need a thermometer to know that the Earth has a fever. (more…)

Real warnings

April 3rd, 2007 by Editor

by Hilary Franz

These days it is difficult to open a newspaper without finding some discussion about climate change. It appears that Congress is also finally waking up and taking notice. Right now there are a number of bills in Congress on the issue. (more…)