Exbiblio and Openness

October 13th, 2006 by Hugh

I trust that this blog is evidence of Exbiblio’s openness. I’d just like to point out that the policy goes even deeper at the company. The design agency JMK told us that usually their clients would insist on complete confidentiality: we couldn’t walk around their office and see their designs-in-progress on the wall. Exbiblio is different. There is no insistence on confidentiality. JMK doesn’t have to cover up any Exbiblio materials for anybody. It seems that people who work with Exbiblio really like that policy. Secrecy can be a burden – and it’s over-rated. After all, imitation is flattery, so why fear it?

Visit to JMK

September 25th, 2006 by Adam

Hugh and I had a fun visit to the office of JMK Industrial Design last Friday to interview the industrial design team working on the Exbiblio portable scanner. We discussed the story of the Exbiblio scanner, Apple’s influence on the industry, and what it is like to work for a client who turns conventional thinking on its head.

Hugh is planning to post details from the interview this week, but I thought I’d get some images from our visit up on the blog today. Including, if you look closely, the first image of the scanning device (model) that we have ever shown to the public! Stay tuned for more details.

JMK Office Stewart