NYT Gets It

April 13th, 2007 by Claes-Fredrik

“Until now, in most parts of the world, Web surfing has been separate from everyday activities like riding the train, watching television and driving. But the new technology may erode that distinction.

““You’ve picked up this product, and you don’t want to go back to your PC,” said Tim Kindberg, a senior research at the Bristol, England, lab of Hewlett-Packard. “Or you’re outside this building, and you want more information. We call it the ‘physical hyperlink.’ ””

So read some quotes from, well, let’s try what we’re calling the Exbiblio Eureka: 6 words in sequence are a URL (in this case 8 works slightly better):

A a search on Google reveals that the article appeared in

The New York Times
The Orlando Sentinel
The Denver Post
Debit Card News
Signal Lake

What’s so exciting about Exbiblio and the oPen™, is that you don’t need the bar codes. You can do the same thing without them, using the Eureka and a great capturing device.